The post Understanding Scent Glands appeared first on Haute Pets Mobile Grooming.
]]>Anal glands are small sacs located near the anus. When your dog is running around at the dog park and he finds a pile of scat that an irresponsible pet owner left behind, the information he receives from sniffing that pile of scat is deposited by the anal glands. They’re what give animal poo the scents that identify species, gender, and even individual animals to other animals.
Occasionally, the anal glands may become infected or fail to drain properly. It’s more likely to happen in smaller dogs than larger dogs, and cats who eat diets lower in protein. You can tell if the anal glands need to be drained if your pet is dragging their rear end along the ground, constantly licking or biting at the anus, or seems to be in pain while defecating.
While there are tutorials out there that give instructions for expressing your pet’s anal glands, this is a job best left to professionals. First, it’s messy and smelly. If done improperly, you could ruin the clothes you’re wearing and leave your animal’s fur with a scent that won’t easily wash out. Next, if the anal glands aren’t correctly expressed, an infection can develop, leading to an expensive vet visit and pain for your beloved pet.
Fortunately, most groomers are trained in anal gland expression. It’s something that can easily be done at your regular grooming appointment. While the anal glands may not need to be expressed at every appointment, a thorough check up is always a good idea!
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]]>The post Tearless Shampoo Explained appeared first on Haute Pets Mobile Grooming.
]]>Tearless shampoos for pets serve the same purpose that tearless shampoos for babies do. When you use a tearless shampoo, you are protecting your dog or cat’s eyes from irritation. This becomes especially important when you are bathing a pet that gets rambunctious in the tub!
You may be wondering if you can just use the same tearless shampoo for your pet that you do on your baby. Many human tearless shampoos are too harsh for your pet’s skin, even though those shampoos are designed to be used on infants. Just because a product is acceptable for use on human skin does not guarantee that it will be appropriate for pet skin. Further, because your pet licks himself to groom, you want to make sure that the tearless pet shampoo is designed just for animals.
If you are going to choose a tearless shampoo on your own, you need to do your research. While gentle to the eyes, tearless shampoos may still contain chemicals that are carcinogenic. Also, some animal breeds can be allergic to chemicals used in shampoos. Make sure that you are familiar with any allergies that your pet may be pre-disposed to, so that you can avoid those additives. A Google search for “organic tearless pet shampoo” may give you many options to start with, but remember that organic doesn’t automatically mean tearless and tearless doesn’t necessarily mean organic.
If you’re concerned about allergies or finding a truly tearless organic product, you may want to ask a professional. When you use a professional groomer, they can advise you on the best products for your pet. Groomers realize that you may need to bathe your pet in between visits, and they are happy to recommend products that will take care of your pet’s needs.
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]]>The post Pet Behavior and Grooming appeared first on Haute Pets Mobile Grooming.
]]>Grooming your companion pet can be difficult for the pet. Adopted pets may not have had much experience being handled for grooming, and even the most well-behaved pet can be difficult to handle when it is time for a grooming. This could lead to pet behavior issues. Calling a professional groomer can help to alleviate these problems.
First, professional groomers are just that-trained professionals. A professional dog groomer has gone to school for eight weeks to learn how to take care of your extraordinary cat or dog. They learn the basics of pet care including style specifications for distinct breeds, and how to handle your special requests. They learn facts about different breeds of pets to enable them to help you make the best grooming decisions for your pets. For example, Golden Retrievers and other double coated dog breeds should not be shaved in the summer, despite our high Texas temperatures, because it could increase their risk of skin cancer.
At Haute Pets, we hire experienced groomers. Because our groomers are not only professionally trained but have experience with a wide variety of cats and dogs, they are able to provide a low-stress grooming environment for your furry family members. Experienced groomers are able to alleviate many behavior issues linked to grooming naturally because they display a confident air as they approach and handle your beloved pet. This gives your companion confidence in the groomer’s ability, which helps to keep your pet’s stress level low.
Finally, because we come to you, your pet is not already keyed up from a ride in the car. Whether your pet is excited or scared of vehicle travel, they can be difficult to return to a calm state once you reach the groomer’s shop. Because Haute Pets comes to you, we alleviate the stress or excitement of travel. This means that your grooming experience will be faster and easier-for you and your pets, with Haute Pets.
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]]>The post What are hypoallergenic shampoos? appeared first on Haute Pets Mobile Grooming.
]]>Bathing your pet is a huge part of being a responsible pet owner. It’s one of those tasks often passed to a professional pet groomer. For some pet owners, pet bath time simply is not their forte. After all, trying to get a 100-pound dog into a tub is not easy for some pet owners; the same could be said for an eight-pound cat who has decided he does not want to take a bath today. A professional pet grooming service can make the process easier and less traumatic for everyone involved, and help you to find the best products for your pets.
For some pets, hypoallergenic shampoos are a necessary part of the grooming process. Hypoallergenic shampoos are often used when a pet has developed an allergy to a component of regular shampoos. For some pet owners, the decision to switch to hypoallergenic shampoos may be a precautionary step for pets who have multiple allergies.
Hypoallergenic shampoos are manufactured without common shampoo ingredients that have shown to cause an allergic reaction for some animals. They have simple ingredients-generally a cleaning solution derived from saponin, a naturally occurring chemical found in the soapwort plant, combined with oils and perhaps special ingredients that may help specific skin conditions, such as itching or flaking. Hypoallergenic shampoos are generally all-natural (although you should read the ingredients list, just in case) and many are organic.
If you are concerned that your pet may need a hypoallergenic shampoo, your pet grooming service may be able to advise you on the best solution for your pet. Skin and fur health is important to your pets’ overall health, and your pet groomer is an important part of your pet’s health care team. Fortunately, they’re trained to help you make decision that allow your pet to avoid harmful allergens and still have beautiful skin and a healthy coat!
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]]>The post Why Should I use Organic Shampoo? appeared first on Haute Pets Mobile Grooming.
]]>Many pet owners want the best for their companion animals. After all, they’re not just dogs and cats; they’re part of the family. Quality, organic dog food, eco-friendly pet beds, and fun time at the dog park rate top the list for pet care concerns for most pet families. But what about organic shampoo?
Using organic shampoo for your pet is a worthy consideration. One important factor to consider is that any organic shampoo you’re using for your pet is going to be cruelty-free. Supporting cruelty-free products should be an important consideration for any pet family.
Organic shampoos are also going to be free of added chemicals and dyes. For our pets, staying clear of unwanted chemicals is a pretty big deal. It means there’s less risk of cancer or other health problems. These health problems may not become evident today, but when we use organic shampoo, we’re protecting our pet’s health not just today, but years from now.
Organic shampoos are also safe for our pets’ human caregivers. Today, many people battle allergies to additives that were common in some products decades ago. We know now that those additives aren’t safe for everyone. If we choose to go organic now, we won’t worry about an unknown allergy to a chemical or additive in the shampoo. This is an especially important consideration in pet families that include small children. Pet families can feel safe knowing that their little ones can pet, kiss, and lay with their pets without worrying about the chemicals or irritants in their pets’ shampoo.
The choice to include organic products in your pets’ care should include not just their food, but all of the products that they use. This guarantees that you’ve created the healthiest environment possible for your beloved four-legged family member!
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]]>The post What Are Optical Brighteners, and Are They Safe? appeared first on Haute Pets Mobile Grooming.
]]>Your white dog looked incredible when you first brought her home. That bright white coat, so brilliant it was almost blinding in the sunlight. You may have noticed a bit of discoloration around her eyes or mouth, but otherwise, that coat was beautiful.
Today, it’s looking a little less than stunning. Sure, your beloved pet is clean. She’s bathed regularly and seen by a groomer as often as she needs to. But the coat just isn’t that dazzling shade of white that it was the first time you saw her. How can you bring that dingy coat back to its previous brilliance?
Optical brighteners are specialty shampoos designed to be used on dogs with white colored coats. Optical brighteners actually change the way the eye perceives the color white by absorbing light in the UV spectrum. This changes the shade of white from dingy and yellow to bright and brilliant white.
Choosing the white shampoo depends on the cause of the dinginess in your pet’s coat. Many of these specialty shampoos serve specific purposes, and you’ll need to discuss with your pet grooming service which one is right for you.
You may be concerned about the safeness of optical brighteners. Like any product you use on or for your pet, you want to minimize the chemicals that you expose your pets to. In this case, you’ll want to opt for a shampoo with added enzymes, which give a more natural approach to optical brightening, rather than a product designed to dye or bleach the coat. With enzyme based shampoos, several applications may be needed before you achieve the desired results, but they’re more appropriate for pets who may have allergy issues. Be sure to discuss your questions and desired results with your grooming service, so that you can make sure the groomer is using the product that will give you the best results.
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]]>The post Keeping your dog’s nails trimmed – why it’s important appeared first on Haute Pets Mobile Grooming.
]]>However, your dog’s health is dependent on healthy nails. First, dogs with long nails tend to have incorrect posture. Just as your mom taught you not to slouch to save you from later back pain, dogs should stand a particular way to avoid joint issues later. A dog with improper posture may fall easier, and certainly won’t be enjoying those walks or runs you love so much.
If you’re noticing that your dog tends to have a lot of missteps, especially on uneven ground, it’s often due to nails that are too long. Remember when you went on that hike and stepped on that rock that wasn’t quite solidly into the ground and turned your ankle a bit? The same thing can happen to your dog if they hit a piece of uneven ground if their nails are too long. By not keeping your dog’s nails properly trimmed, you’re risking a turned or sprained ankle, or even a torn out nail.
If your dog is older, they may be experiencing joint issues. If your dog’s nails are too long, you’re likely exacerbating those joint issues due to the changes in posture that result from long nails. When dogs are experiencing joint pain, proper posture helps them have less pain. If they’re standing funny because the pressure from their nails touching the ground hurts, then their joints will hurt more, too.
All in all, nail care is very important in the overall health of your dog. Our mobile dog grooming services make it easier for you to take care of your dog’s nails without worrying about driving your dog to an appointment with a groomer. For older dogs, or dogs with issues traveling, our mobile dog grooming service helps to alleviate stress and anxiety.
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]]>The post Shed-less Treatment appeared first on Haute Pets Mobile Grooming.
]]>As creators of the FURminator deShedding Tool, FURminator continues to raise the bar with innovative, proprietary shedding solutions. FURminator’s lineup of deShedding tools, grooming tools, hair care products, bathing and hygiene solutions broadens and enhances the FURminator deShedding experience for pet parents and their pets. Simply put, there is no pet care solution on the market like the FURminator product line. We use these products exclusive for our Shed-less treatments.
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]]>The post Soft Paws for Cats appeared first on Haute Pets Mobile Grooming.
]]>Once the nail caps are applied, they remain in place for approximately 4-6 weeks. They will fall off with the natural growth of your cat’s nails. We recommend that you check your cat’s nails periodically because usually just one or two fall off at a time and these can be easily reapplied.
Each kit contains 40 nail caps and will last approximately 4-6 months per cat.
Note: While the vast majority of cats acclimate to the claw covers within minutes, some cats may require an adjustment period. Cats’ fastidious natures sometimes causes them to groom the claw covers excessively at first. This may result in one or two falling off. No problem. Just check the Paws daily at first, and if one is missing, simply replace it with another from the package. Thus, the first package may not last as long as subsequent packages. Again, most cats do not even notice they are wearing them after the first 30 minutes.
A good tip is to feed your cat his or her favorite food after applying the Soft Paws. This serves as a good reward and also diverts their attention away from their new acquisition. Some people find it easier to apply the Soft Paws when their cats are sleepy.
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